Mindfulness Meditation Retreats 

Daylongs and Multi-day I In person and online

"Imagine a flock of birds flying in the sky. Every bird has its own position and each bird makes a contribution to the whole formation. Since each bird is a part of the whole formation, they don't have to make a lot of effort...They benefit from the collective energy. When we sit together, we are supported by each other. We each produce our true presence and offer that to each other."

~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Mindfulness practice is sometimes described in two words: intention, attention. We plant seeds of intention: intentions to pause, intentions to show up with care and integrity, intentions to reflect, intentions to strengthen our capacity for courage, intentions to [fill-in-the-blank] – and then attend to those intentions.

Taking the time in a supportive, communal retreat context, to slow down, deepen into the two wings of awareness and compassion, and tend to the mind, heart, and body with care can go a very long way in supporting this intention-attention process.

There is nothing like a mindfulness meditation retreat, whether it’s one day or longer, whether it’s in person or online.

To learn more about upcoming retreats, sign up for the Two Wings Mindfulness Newsletter.

Featured Fall 2024 Retreats (Online on Zoom):

Kind Words

  • "This retreat was life-changing for me."

    ~ P., retreat participant

  • “Your guided meditations were very helpful, especially for someone who has a hard time sitting.”

    ~ D., retreat participant

  • “I am so profoundly moved and life now has a different flavor: I feel softer and more connected to myself and others.”

    ~ E., retreat participant

  • “I am in awe of you, the other teachers, and my fellow co-travelers in the retreat and all we accomplished and experienced together.”

    ~ C., retreat participant

To learn more about upcoming retreats, sign up for the Two Wings Mindfulness Newsletter.