
Learn, Connect, Strengthen the Two Wings

"Sometimes people talk about how we need to do things to connect. And on the one hand that’s right, but on the other hand it understates what is. We are connected. What we need to do is to become aware of it, to live it, to express it."

~ john a. powell, director of the Othering & Belonging Institute

Interested in deepening your understanding of a specific mindfulness-related topic–and strengthening your practice of awareness and compassion along the way?

Taking a class gives you access to a community of people interested in the same topic, a teacher (Alison and/or one of her Two Wings teammates) who will act as a guide, content you can explore during and after each session, and loving accountability. 

There’s a class to show up to, rather than a self-paced course you need to muscle your way through on your own.

The Two Wings Mindfulness Newsletter provides up-to-date information on upcoming classes, both online and in person.

Two Wings Mindfulness classes run weekly for 4-10 weeks, either on Zoom or in person in the Washington, D.C. area, on topics such as:

  • Another Way to Be: Cultivating Self-Compassion 

  • Singing in the Rain: The R.A.I.N. Process for Navigating Powerful Emotions

  • What do you mean?: An Introduction to Mindfulness–Based Communication for Connection (MBCC)

Featured Class: Fall 2024 on Zoom

What Do You Mean?: 

An Introduction to Mindfulness-Based Communication for Connection (MBCC)

5-week course (Tuesdays): Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29

7-8:15 pm ET

  • Join Alison to explore the power of mindfulness-based communication for fostering deeper connections with others. In these interactive, experiential sessions, you'll learn practical techniques to enhance your communication skills and cultivate more meaningful relationships. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or new to mindfulness, this course offers valuable tools and insights to help you navigate conversations with greater awareness, compassion, and clarity.

    Mindfulness-Based Communication for Connection (MBCC) draws on mindfulness principles, Nonviolent Communication, research by the Gottmans and Brené Brown, and Insight Dialogue.

    This course is cumulative, meaning each week will build on the next. Every class session will focus on a key element of mindfulness-based communication:

    October 1: Cultivating Presence

    October 8: Listening With All the Channels

    October 15: Speaking With Integrity

    October 22: Navigating Challenging Emotions in Communication

    October 29: Communication Action Planning

  • Click here to register.

Kind Words

  • “Alison is talented and incredibly good at facilitating, engaging the group, sharing insights and materials in a personable way, and embodying the lessons she is introducing!”

    ~ class participant

  • "I really appreciate Alison's very careful and intentional use of language, along with her validating each person's experience as normal and her clear social justice orientation."

    ~ class participant

  • “Alison makes it easy to grasp the concepts and makes them relatable to my life. Since I work from home, it was a good way for me to pull myself away from overworking once a week and become teachable and present.”

    ~ class participant

  • “Your contribution to this field of mindful communication has your thoughtful, knowledgeable and insightful style. Your understanding of adult learning shows!”

    ~  class participant

To learn more about upcoming classes, sign up for the Two Wings Mindfulness Newsletter.