Mindfulness Coaching with Alison

for mindfulness practitioners and mindfulness teachers

Online via Zoom

Your unwavering empathy and genuine heart have made a significant difference in my journey. I have felt truly seen and understood.
— S., New York, NY

Why I offer mindfulness coaching:

My life has improved by leaps and bounds thanks to the coaching I’ve received, both as a mindfulness practitioner and as a teacher. On a regular basis, I meet with several mindfulness teachers of mine for guidance, support, and inspiration. Each of them lovingly dons a coaching hat whenever we connect. It’s a joy to be able to pay forward the coaching support that has been such a critical pillar of my own growth and development.

Where does coaching take place?

On Zoom, so that it’s accessible wherever you are on the planet

What kind of coaching do you offer?

Two kinds of mindfulness-based coaching (below)

Coaching Options

  • “Your Life is Your Practice, Your Practice is Your Life” Coaching for Mindfulness Practitioners

    As Rumi writes, “we’re all just walking each other home.” These sessions are designed to provide guidance, support, and accompaniment on your mindfulness and compassion cultivation journey on and off the cushion.

    The mindfulness practitioners I’ve worked with so far have found their way to this kind of coaching because they have questions about:

    • how to build or continue to strengthen a meditation practice

    • how to apply mindfulness-based practices and insights to their own internal emotional landscapes, friendships, romantic partnerships, the state of the world, and beyond

    These sessions are for you want to engage in a supportive inquiry process that guides you to tap into your own inner wisdom–and, when relevant, ask Alison for concrete suggestions and next steps.

    Why? So that you can show up for yourself, your loved ones, and this planet we’re inhabiting with greater integrity, compassion, embodied ease, and joy.

  • Instructional Coaching for Mindfulness Teachers

    These sessions are designed for mindfulness teacher-practitioners who want curriculum development coaching and support and/or have specific questions about teaching, and the relationship between teaching and your practice.

    If you’re unsure of what this might look like, here are a few examples:

    • A psychologist met with me for several sessions to develop an elective for trainees interested in mindfulness. 

    • A mindfulness teacher signed up for coaching to explore race as a social construct and the impact of racism on mindfulness learning spaces.

    • A mindfulness teacher connected with me for coaching around working with self-doubt and impostor syndrome while teaching.

    • The director of a school-based mindfulness program worked with me to create an interactive presentation for the superintendent’s office.

How to sign up:

If we already know each other, please sign up here at a date and time that works for you.

If we’re new to each other, please contact me and share why you’re interested in coaching at this time.


Each hourlong session regardless of type is $150 USD. 

Our financial situations vary widely. If the pricing is prohibitive for you, please contact Two Wings Mindfulness to discuss possibilities.

New Clients:

Returning Clients:

Frequently Asked Questions

    • 1-2 minutes of meditating together as a way of arriving and transitioning into our time together

    • Check in: How are you in this moment?

    • Touching base about what feels most important to discuss

    • Discussing it! :) This period often also involves guided inquiry if it’s relevant and of interest to you, in which I lead you through a tailored reflective process.

    • Closing journaling and share out: What are you taking away from this time together?

    • If relevant, scheduling our next session

    • Wishing each other well and parting ways

    Please bring a notebook and something to write with to each session so that you can jot down any insights, ideas, musings, next steps, and/or takeaways that arise for you.

  • You determine how frequently we meet based on your own discernment, circumstances, and goals.

    For “Your Life is Your Practice, Your Practice is Your Life” sessions, the practitioners I currently coach generally ask to meet every 2-4 weeks, which gives them 2-4 weeks time to experiment with what we've discussed in the prior session. 

    There is never any obligation to continue meeting; what I’ve learned is that your inner wisdom will signal to you whether it is beneficial for you to continue, pause, or stop meeting. If you’re unsure, we can discuss it together. 

    Some people meet with me a few times a year when they feel so called.

  • Sometimes we will pick up the thread from the prior session, and sometimes we won't. It will depend on what's most alive for you as each session begins. I think it's important to work with what's here now, and often earlier themes will make themselves known organically. That being said, I take detailed notes during these sessions, so I may refer back to my notes from an earlier session if relevant.

  • Yes. Many of the people who meet with me also see a therapist and share with me that our time together strengthens, supports, and offers new perspectives on the inner exploration they're engaging in with a therapist.

Kind Words

New Clients:

Returning Clients: